SpaBed® Dry Hydrotherapy Massage Systems
5317-31st Street Suite 17
Kenosha, WI 53144
Phone or text: 262 -551-8044
The Amazing SpaBed®
14-Jet Dry Flotation Hydro Therapy Massage System
Model V
The SPA BED® is an unattended flotation dry hydro jet therapy massage system, that delivers your patients the chance to relax their muscles with a 12 to 20 minute massage every time they visit your clinic, before or after their treatment and/or adjustments. Hydrotherapy may reduce stress: improve blood circulation, aid in injury rehabilitation by lessening high levels of lactic acid thus preventing range of motion stiffness.
Chiropractors may find the SPABED® beneficial for both pre-and post therapy. Dry floation hydro therapy water massage provides an innovative dimension for pre and post adjustments that is a great tool for Chiropractors. Finally Hydrotherapy water massage that’s fast, affordable, and convenient by SPABED®
Generate revenue through patient satisfaction. Your patients come back over, and over again for their SPABED® flotation Dry Hydrotherapy water massage experience.
Make a Spabed Session Part Of Your Patients Visits At your office!
Get all the facts on how to order your SPABED® Today.
(262)551-8044 Phone/Text