SpaBed® Dry Hydrotherapy Massage Systems
5317-31st Street Suite 17
Kenosha, WI 53144
Phone or text: 262 -551-8044
The Amazing SpaBed®
14-Jet Dry Flotation Hydro Therapy Massage System
Model V
For centuries, massage has been recognize for its healing properties. Modern medicine has proven massage to help in the following ways;
Back Pain
Knee Pain
Muscle tears
Tennis Elbow
Frozen Shoulders
Neck Pain.
Promotes Healing in Muscle Tissue
Prevents Lactic Acid Build up
Increases Sense of Confidence & Control
Increases Range Of Motion
Relieved Restlessness
Promotes Calming & Sadative Results
Decreases Blood Pressure
Improves Supplies of Nutrients to cell
Increase Blood Flow
Improves Skin Tone
And the list goes on