Where to Find Us:

SpaBed® Dry Hydrotherapy Massage Systems 


5317-31st Street  Suite 17

Kenosha, WI  53144

Phone or text: 262 -551-8044

Email:  info@spabed.com


Whats New


The Amazing SpaBed® 

 14-Jet Dry Flotation Hydro Therapy Massage System

Model V



The Benefits of Massage

See how massage can benefit you

For centuries, massage has been recognized for its healing properties.

Hydro Massage
hy-dro-mas-sage (n)

...the use of water to produce therapeutic benefits.
This can be done through administering liquids
(warm water), solids (ice), or gas (steam).
Hydrotherapy is becoming increasingly more
popular as an alternative to drug therapy.

Immediate Benefits


  • Improves metabolic performance.
  • Improves supply of nutrients to cells.
  • Improves skin tone. Decreases blood pressure produces.
  • Calming and sedative results.
  • Improves a sense of well being.
  • Relieves restlessness.
  • Increases blood circulation.
  • Increases range of motion.
  • Renews a sense of confidence and control.
  • Reduces mental & physical fatigue.
  • Promotes healing in the muscle tissue.


Long Term Benefits

  • Enhances the quality of sleep patterns, improves metabolic performance.
  • Improves supply of nutrients to cells. 
  • Improves skin tone, Decreases blood pressure.
  • Produces calming and sedative results.
  • Improves a sense of well being.
  • Relieves restlessness.
  • Increases blood circulation,
  • Increases range of motion.
  • Renews a sense of confidence and control, Reduces mental & physical fatigue.
  • Promotes healing in the muscle tissue.

Physiological Benefits of the Spabed

rmal Imaging Depicting Circulation and Muscle Relaxation

This subject has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Times of imaging shown under each diagram. The massage session began at 1:20 p.m. and was completed at 1:32 p.m. Following this 12-minute session, the subject's body was allowed 40+ minutes to cool.


Diagram A.
Subject shows poor circulation in torso and upper extremities. Circled are extremely tight cervical muscles.

POST Spabed TREATMENT 2:19 p.m.

Diagram B.

This image was taken 47 minutes after Spabed session was completed. Circulation in torso dramatically increased. Circulation in
upper extremities also increased. Muscles throughout upper torso have increased blood flow and have relaxed. Subject should also have increased range of motion. Optimum time for subject to receive therapy or an adjustment.

Diagram C.

This image was taken 2 hours and 27 minutes after Spabed session 3:59 p.m.
was completed. Circulation in torso and upper extremities shows little dissipation over previous image. Muscles throughout upper torso have continued increased blood flow and remain relaxed. Body has had little physiological change over previous image. Body is maintaining increased range of motion. Excellent time for subject to receive therapy or an adjustment.

Diagram D.

This image was taken 4 hours and 13 minutes after Spabed session was completed. Circulation in torso and upper extremities shows some dissipation over previous image, though circulation is still at a high level. Body is maintaining increased range of motion. Body is still able to receive 5:45 p.m. therapy or an adjustment.

Massage has several positive benefits on the muscular system to name a few...


  • Relaxes and stimulates muscles.
  • Reduces fibrosis in muscles.
  • Relieves soreness and stiffness

Muscular Effects

Circulatory System

Digestive System Benefits

Massage provides benefits to the circulatory system

For centuries, massage has been recognized for its healing properties.
Modern medicine has proven that massage can help in the following:


  • Improves supply of nutrients to cells
  • Helps to develop a strong heart
  • Decreases blood pressure
  • Relaxes abdominal muscles, Reduces tension, Stimulates liver and kidneys.

Respiratory Benefits

Psychological Effects

Reduces stress, Relieves emotional distress, Increases alertness and performance


Lawerence, D. Baloti. Massage Techniques. New York: The Putnam Publishing Group, 1986.

Colt, George Howe. "The Magic of Touch: Massage's Healing Powers Make It Serious Medicine." LIFE, August 1997.
Florida State Massage Therapy Association. Massage Therapy Provider Guidelines. 1994.
Fransen, Jenny, R.N., and I. Jon Russell, M.D., Ph.D. The Fibromyalgia Help Book. Minnesota: Smith House Press, 1996.

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